Temperatures are cooler, kids are back to school, time for fall cleaning. Not that I am an enthusiatic cleaner, by any means, but it is a necessity to keep 0rganized and get rid of excess matter.
Its a perfect time to go through your jewelry and check the prongs on stones, especially heirloom items. Is your grandma's ring looking lackluster? A rhodium dip will make your white gold ring shine like new.
Jewelry that is worn every day, such as wedding and engagement rings, will accumulate dirt and and oils from frequent handwashing. Soak your diamond jewelry in hot water and clean off all the soap and moisturizer with an old, soft toothbrush. ***Please don't do this with pearls or opals !! As a precaution, I always check the information 0nline to make sure its safe to clean different gems beforehand.
You will fall in love with your jewelry all over again when you see how beautifully it shines when its clean!